January 22, 2021
Dear friends, neighbors, and fellow members,
Our first official year of operation has come to a close and we want to report back to you, who have made all of our efforts possible, and let you know what we have all accomplished together in 2020.
“The Sawgrass Foundation is dedicated to the support of SGCC staff and their families to include educational stipends, crisis relief assistance, and other charitable opportunities to help SGCC employees.”
We first incorporated in April 2020. Our official IRS 501(c)3 approval letter has been received and effective as of 14 April 2020. Our fund raising began on 27 April and in 8 months we have accomplished a great deal. Initially we focused on the National Coronavirus crisis and were able to directly support 84 hourly employees who were significantly reduced in hours and gratuities with payments in May and in June. A total of $65,000 was disbursed, thanks to your generosity.

Since July we have created a website and begun providing scholarships for further education for staff and/or their immediate families. We started 6 scholarships in September and expect to support at least 7 scholarships for the Spring semester. Payments are made directly to schools. Scholars are expected to show successful completion of courses before next semester’s stipend is approved. Please visit our website, www.sawgrassfoundation.org, to learn more about scholarships.
MAKING DREAMS COME TRUE: Examples of people being helped

Wade Dewitt
F&B staff; Attending UNF in the nursing program, with planned graduation in 2022 with further graduate program plans to follow.

Chris Berglund
Son of Magnus Berglund, Tennis pro; Attending JU in the nursing program, on the Dean’s list; works as transporter at St Vincent’s; also received a ‘Bright Futures’ merit scholarship and an EASE grant.

Nola Galen
F&B staff; Attending Florida State College seeking associate degree with plans to move to UNF to attain a degree in elementary education. Her dream is to become a kindergarten teacher.

Daniel Lockwood
Son of Donna Parente, F&B manager; Attending Florida State College with goal of a degree in Physical Therapy.

Will Bomar
Fitness Staff, head lifeguard; Attending UNF in Coggin Business School with goal of a major in finance and minor in statistics.

Teresa Buffalino
Wife of Dario Lukic, Fitness Staff; Attending North Carolina Central University working to attain a Masters in Orientation and Mobility/Visual Disabilities Education. She works as a teacher at Florida School for the Deaf and Blind.
We also are supporting Lori Li, F&B Staff who is in Nursing at Florida State College. Also Elliott Wright, son of Larry Wright, golf staff, who is attending UCF for Sports Management studies. In addition we supported Delaney Eidson, daughter of Steve Eidson, Inn Between. Delaney is studying Mechanical Engineering at UCF.
In 2021, we plan to continue to expand our educational support and to grow our funds to be ready for the next crisis where our staff may need assistance. It could be another Pandemic, or a Hurricane, or some other widespread need. Please continue your support and let us know what you think.
Our website has all the details on how to donate, how you can help as a mentor or volunteer. We will have at least one major event in 2021 to support our cause and grow the recognition of what the Foundation is trying to do to support our staff and our community.
In the appendix to this report you will find the financial report on how much we raised and how it has been used. Also in the appendix is a list of all our generous donors who have contributed during 2020. All of you should be receiving annual donation acknowledgement letters in the coming week.
There were 399 Donors in 2020. 91 people contributed more than once.
What a great group of people we have as staff AND as fellow members. Thanks again for your generosity. We pray that 2021 will be a great year for all of us.
Sawgrass Foundation, Inc.
Board of Directors
Tom Petersen
William Palmer
Sam Harkleroad
Ed Collins
Cathy Wichert
Randy Nader
Ken Schulz
National Crisis Response
(April to June 2020)
May 27, 2020: $28,500
June 17, 2020: $36,400
84 Hourly staff helped, 58 full time, and 26 part time
- 38 Food and Beverage – wait staff
- 17 Food and Beverage – kitchen staff
- 15 Golf staff (including bag staff)
- 5 Tennis staff
- 7 Fitness staff
- 2 Admin staff (parking)
Education Support
(July to December 2020)
- 6 Support for Fall semester
4 staff, 2 family.
Total $10,779 - 7 Scheduled support for Spring semester
3 staff, 4 family.
Total $13,675
Names of Donors up to $500
Andrew Abate
Richard Abel
Michael Adams
Thomas Argyris
Joseph and Patricia Arnett
Ryan and Leah Atkinson
David Atteberry
David M. Auck
Daniel Avery
Mel Babcock
Robert Baldoni
William G Beasley
James Bechtel
Beverly Beck
Ruffin Beckwith
Gregory Beedy
Charles Belzer
Gretchen Binard
Andrew Black
Thomas Bolling
Robert BonDurant
John Bongiovanni
Wen Bray
Connie Brennan
Viviane and William Briggs
Stephen Bristow
David S Brock
Christian Brooks
Eddie Brooks
Ian Brophy
John Brown
Tom Browne
Paul and Anne L. Bschorr
Shirley Budden
Janet and William Bugbee
Christopher Burden
Theodore G Burfeind
Ken and Celeste Burns
Jerry D Butler
John Caden
Charles Cangemi
Lorrayne Carless
Brian Carmelengo
Larry Carpenter
Dale Carruthers
Donald Carson
Dan Cavey
Erica Chigounis
John Church
Allan Cohen
William Collins
Jeff and Maria Concannon
Chris and Diane Conover
Grant Conway
C.W. Cook
Edward Cooper
Paul Corbett
William Corley
Christine Costello
Daniel Costello
Joseph Cronauer
Lee D’Agostino
George and Diane Dahlquist
Chi and Don Daniels
Glenn DeBrueys
Gregg Deiboldt
Darlene Deo
Stephen DePalma
Chuck DePrycker
John Oliver DeVries
John H DeWitt
Richard Dickinson
Derek Dobbs
Glenn W Dobrick
Michael Dolen
Rick Domini
William Dowd
Kevin Drew
Billy Easterlin
Leroy Edwards
Roger D. Elsas
Angelo Esposito
Holger Euringer
Jeffrey Everett
Garry and Priscilla Fadale
Robert Fairley
Patricia Falke
Mary and Jim Faulconer
Fabian Federico
Margaret Finch
Judith Flynn
Suzanne Foley
De An W Foulk
Virginia J. Frailey
Jack Francis
Stephen Frankiewicz
Norma Fraser
Jaime Frias
Vincent Gagliardi
Leigh Gallishaw
Jack Gausnell
William Gesdorf
Joseph Gillis
Dan Glod
Roland Gomez
Terence Goodall
Thomas Grabeman
Mark Gravelle
Stephen Greenfogel
Robert J Gregg
Mark Gummerman
Judith Ham
Hugh Hamilton
Eileen Hanna
Millie Harrison
James Hart
Deborah R Hartley
Walter D. Haynes
Al Hedlund
Samuel F Heffner
Heidi Heller
Brooks Henderson
Scott Hendrickson
Tom Herald
Douglas Herberger
Paul M and Laurel Herron
Horton S Hickerson
Todd Hickey
David Hightower
Thomas Hodgkins
Thomas Hogan
Thomas Holland
David Houghton
William Hronek
Don & Rachel Hune
Arthur and Susan Iannucci
Peter Irwin
Diane D Jacobsen
David Jaeger
Patricia R Jeffery
Walter G Jewett
Peter Jinks
Cynthia Johnson
Don and Joan Johnson
Jeff Johnstone
Arthur W Jones
Michael Joseph
Scott Joslin
Robert E Karol
Vincent M Kellaher
Michael Kelley
Dan Kelly
Lawrence J Kelly
John and Mary Kempski
Richard and Sheila Ketler
Thomas Kinney
Keegan Knarr
Mark Kontny
Adam Krestalude
Ronald Krogh
Stephen Kupcha
Lucille Kyle
Charles LaBelle
Robert Labenski
David Laird
Tony R. Lancelot
David Landau
Betsey Larson
John H Latshaw
Jerry Lazarus
Mark Lewis
Frank Lickliter
Jerome Lindberg
Robert Long
Abe Lopman
Gary R. Lubin
Patricia Lyons
Doug Lytle
Jeffrey MacArthur
Peter Maguire
Suzanne Maltz
Barbara Maple
Gino Martire
John Mason
John Mauriello
James May
Scott McCall
Mark R McCormick
Albie McDonald
Mary McGarrigle
Matt and Beth McLaughlin
Ted McNaught
William F Meister
Patrick Meleady
Roger Mentz
Chad Merkel
Douglas C Miller
Zachary Miller
Fran Mirmina
Spencer Moler
John B Montgomery
Jill Moore
Michael D Morgan
Amanda Morrow
Eugene Morrow
Wesley A. Muehl
Thomas J Mulcahy
Pamela M Murray
Guy Nix
James W. Noyes
Patrick O’Connell
Michael O’Malley
Rob Ohno
Bob Paladino
William C Palmer
Mary Pappas
Elizabeth Parker
Robert Partenheimer
Cynthia Pendell
Chuck Peterson
Thomas A Petrie
Quang Pham
Irene Phelps
Scott and Sarah Phillips
Joseph L Phinney
Jack Pickard
Luis Pontigo
Alex Potenza
Gregory Powell
Clarence L Pozza
Roger Quinlan
Craig Reagor
Katie Reasoner
John Reed
Don Reek
Richard Reilly
Robert & Bonnie Renes
Clay Richter
Thomas Robinson
Richard Robyn
Dan Rogers
J Robert Rogers
Jacqualine Rooney
Thomas Rose
Maryann Ross
Ken Schulz
Rebecca Schumann
Kristen Schupak
Bruce A. Schwinger
Florence Lynne Scielzo
Fred Loring Seely
Robert Semple
Richard F Seney
Devere L Sheesley
Colleen Silvoy
Christopher Sloan
Arnold Smith
Charles Smith
David Smith
Joan Smith
Mary Smith
Ronald Smith
Timothy G Smith
George K Spiel
Linda Stephenson
Thomas Stephenson
Scott Stevenson
Samuel Strain
Dennis and V. Sullivan
John L Sullivan
William Swerbenski
Dave Talarico
David Tarbell
Kimberley Taylor
Brad Tepper
Bill Thoma
Jimmie B Thomas
Robert Tokarz
Tom and Pam Tomlin
Laura S Torrey
Albert Toto
Joe Tucker
Pete and Linda Tuggle
Fred B Vanderbilt
James VanHorn
Joseph F Vella
David Vigil
Robert Vigue
Jon Walker
Paul Walker
Duncan Wall
John Walsh
Kurt A Wanner
Michael Ward
Thomas E Watson
Melissa Weaver
Charles R Weed
Amanda and Jonat. Wentworth-Ping
Jennifer Werba
Michael Wicks
Jack and Ann Williams
Joel Williamson
S Bruce Wilson
Wendy Witten
Amanda Wright
Brian Wright
H.K. and Kathleen Wu
Anthony Wuebben
Stephen E Wyand
August Yanke
Nicholas Zagaria
Richard Zborowski
Names of Donors over $500
Tom and Karen Aaro
Kathleen Adams
Mark and Isabelle Alexander
J.W. Babcock
Gary and Judy Ball
Stephen Bates
Robert Blaine
Deborah and Tony Castor
Howard Chandler
Roy Clarke
Edmond Collins
Glenn Deblock
Family Foundation Downes
Joe and Susan Downes
Marie-Therese Duryea
Andrew and Becky Dykstra
J.B. Easterlin
William Edge
John E and Lolly Ekdahl
William Ely
Paul and Victoria Ferber
Donna Fiedorowicz
Linda and Robert Filer
Raymond Fitzgerald
Peter Galanis
James Gearhart
Bruce Glassick
Karla S. Gillete
John Griffey
Tom and Sam Harkleroad
Barb and Kevin Hill
Marilyn and Jim Hoener
Jeff and Chris Hunt
Martin Janowiecki
Nancy Kaufman
Robert Kearney
Donald J. Kendrick
Nancy and Charles Killeen
Jack and Grace Kinsella
Lin Knapp
Patti and Michael Koizim
Marc and Dee Koutoufaris
Mary Lahey
David and Nancy Lea
Robert and Janice Machin
Susan Landau & Stan Matthews
Bob and Ann Maxwell
Mark and Sylvia McCall
James McClave
William McPherson
Susan Merrill
John Militante
Byron and Joyce Miller
Marion & Walter Minton
John Murphy
Randy Nader
Ruben and Marianne Nava
Brenda Onur
Thomas and Lis Petersen
Stephen Pirris
Gerald Policastro
Diane and Richard Price
Wil Reitsma
Stan Roman
Henry and Alice Scanlon
Helen Short
Wheaton V. Simis
Richard Siragusa
Fritz and Helen Morse Skeen
Halcyon E Skinner
Geoffrey Smith
Richey Smith
Michael Spector
Al and Elly Stevens
Swga Ladies
Charles Tyburski
Marinus VanOoyen
James Wadley
Robert Watts
Cathy A Wichert
Charles J.O. , Jr. Wodehouse
Douglas and Gail Worth
Dan and Donna Yadon
James Yoakum
Robert Zoeller